Susan A.


On Meeting the Playwright & Novelist John Mortimer…

Posted by susanabraham2007 on April 4, 2007

john-mortimer.jpg.0221.jpg…at the Hatchards book signng in Piccadilly when I did, for his new novel at the time called Quite Honestly, (217pp, Viking UK), more than a year ago now…

I discovered him to be rather frail, snowy-haired and very much the merry smiling gentleman. Like a thinner version of a Santa Claus and resting in his wheelchair.

As usual, I was the only Asian reader in the line that waited to see him. But such is the intimate setting in this royal bookshop, that Mortimer took the time to chat with each of us. He wanted to know our names, where we were all from and what we were up to at that present moment. He definitely felt up to jolly company if I remember rightly.

I had seen this famous author imbued with a colourful past rising from infidelities and who had received a knighthood for his services to the Arts. He had received a standing ovation for the longest time. I went to meet Sir John Mortimer because I had devoured his novels with happy interest for eg. his famous series of humorous Horace Rumpole books that were based on hilarious accounts of barrister life and the famous nickname, the fictitious character had afforded to his wife, simply labelling her bossy ways as She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed. One never forgets a true friend or teacher. I was only sorry that this comic genius looked so frail. – susan abraham

5 Responses to “On Meeting the Playwright & Novelist John Mortimer…”

  1. nice post and welcome to wordpress which I very much prefer. πŸ™‚

  2. Thank you, CS. It’s so cool that you’re my first commentator. You’re a welcome guest on both my blogs. πŸ™‚

  3. katie said

    Wow. This does look great. Really great. I’ll have to take a look around and see what else they have going on around wordpress.

    Wonderful post Susan. A Joy to read as always. πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Susan, congrats on the new blog.

    The Rumpole stories, by Sir John Mortimer, are some of my favourites. It’s hard to single one out, but…”Rumpole on Trial” is a good one. πŸ™‚

    I’ve not read the latest in the series. Have you read it, and is it good?

  5. Susan, hello! Your new blog looks nice, and you’re certainly off to a promising start. How interesting it must have been, to actually meet John Mortimer. Rumpole is always good for a chuckle, and yet he makes you think as well, almost without noticing it.

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